DACHSER India celebrated employees’ wellness month
DACHSER India celebrated the month of August as “Employee Wellness Month” – an initiative to enhance existing wellness program and encourage employees to take proactive steps for improved physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in their day-to-day life.

The world is a different place from what it was two years ago, we are still learning to live with all the sorrow and change the pandemic has brought. At the same time, COVID-19 has taught us a lot, about how unpredictable the life is.
There is nothing we can do to avoid these calamities happening around us. However, we can definitely work on to make this change simpler and smoother, by developing a healthy lifestyle and prioritize our well-being, which is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.
“Wellness month” was celebrated at DACHSER India to motivate all employees to take active step towards achieving a better and a more healthy lifestyle, by means of following a healthy diet to enhance the immune system, yoga and meditations for better mental and physical wellbeing.
Importance of self-care
Weeks were planned to teach employees the importance of self-care and the crucial aspects of wellness, starting from mental health to yoga, diet & nutrition; how small changes by merely focusing on adequate sleep, proper nutrition, drinking water, physical activities and mental peace can bring significant changes and influence the quality of life.
Various initiatives and sessions were arranged to help everyone understanding the importance of healthy life and layers on care for mental state, like actively managing stress, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in mindfulness or meditation.
Health checkup camps and expert talks were organized across all branches to identify early signs of health related issues and to educate on various aspects of leading a healthy lifestyle. Counselling sessions were organized to understand and create awareness about the importance of not only physical, but also of the mental health; often taken lightly or remain untreated due to lack of awareness.
The responses from all the branch offices were overwhelming and employees actively participated in activities and sessions organized.
DACHSER India took this small but meaningful drive to nurture and inculcate the idea among all employees that “Well-being can be achieved when the mind, body and sense of purpose lead to positive self-esteem and improved satisfaction”.
In this context, DACHSER India wishes everyone a happy and healthy life.